FruiTrop Weekly

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 4 )

Arrivals on the European market are decreasing. However the demand is quite calm, allowing for prices to remain stable and firm for all grades.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 3 )

Arrivals on the European market have decreased a bit. Volumes remain however sufficient as demand is calm but enough. In that context, prices remain stable and firm for all grades.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 2 )

The avocado market remains well balanced as the offer stays around 3.0 million boxes and the demand is sufficient enough to maintain firm prices for all grades.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 1 )

The market continues to be well oriented : volumes are around 3.0 million, demand is reactivating and prices keep firming up for all grades.

Avocado weekly report ( Semaine 51 2023 )

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 50 2023 )

The market catches its breath again: the demand is reactivating a bit and arrivals remain moderate. Stocks are starting to clear up and prices are firming up for grades 20 and smaller. 

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