FruiTrop Weekly

Avocado Market Report Semaine 10 8/03/2024 Avocat
Pineapple Info Semaine 10 7/03/2024 Ananas | Exotiques On the whole, the pineapple market remains fluid and well-oriented, while the cumulative arrival of vessels has led to a one-off increase in supply this week. 
Banana Market report Semaine 10 7/03/2024 Banane
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 9 1/03/2024 Exotiques | Mangue Despite the increase in mango exports from Peru and Brazil, the supply of the European mango market remains largely in deficit this week. 
Avocado Market Report Semaine 9 1/03/2024 Avocat
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 8 29/02/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The situation remains complex on the European mango market. Although the overall supply of mangoes is increasing, demand and sales are calm. 

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