FruiTrop Weekly

Mango Weekly Report Semaine 5 2/02/2024 Exotiques | Mangue No change on the European mango market, which again this week remains heavily in deficit.
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 4 1/02/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The situation remains unchanged on the European mango market which is still largely undersupplied. 
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 3 19/01/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The situation remains very critical on the European mango market due to the fruit deficit which continues to worsen. 
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 2 12/01/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The situation is a little more tense on the European mango market, which remains largely in deficit, in a context where operators do not have real alternatives to compensate for the current weakne...
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 1 5/01/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The European mango market is experiencing a hitherto unknown period of deficit, particularly regarding its supply of Kent variety mangoes. 
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 52 - 2023 29/12/2023 Exotiques | Mangue Despite a relative decline in demand after the Christmas holidays, the European mango market continues to strengthen.

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