Banana Market Report sem. 17 2015


The seasonal deterioration has remained limited on most of the European markets. The overall supply is registering moderate levels across all sources. Indeed, Africa and the French West Indies have remained in shortfall, with a combined supply 15% below average. Similarly on the dollar side, Colombia is still declining, with its shortfall widening because of drought in the production zones. Although expected, the increase from Costa Rica has not yet begun. Finally, Ecuador has maintained decent, stable volumes, with rains favouring production. Furthermore, the seasonal dip in demand has been more pronounced on certain markets. This is the case with France because of the school holidays and a growing interest in seasonal fruits. Similarly, in Italy, after several highly dynamic weeks, the initial signs of deterioration have appeared. However, the moderate volumes have helped keep the markets balanced. Conversely, in Northern Europe, the dip observed in w.16 was only fleeting. Local and export demand have significantly revitalised, especially because of falling temperatures. Overall, prices have dropped slightly, though they remain above average for the season. In Spain, the slowdown has paused because of cooler temperatures reinvigorating banana consumption. In Eastern Europe, improved vitality has been observed because of falling yellow banana prices. However, some stocks have remained available. Finally, in Russia, a steep drop in prices has been observed, and stocks have remained available.

EU reference price

TendanceMarché bien orienté
Semaine 1715.41 € / box
Semaine 17 / Semaine 16
- 0.25 €
2015/ave. 12-14
+ 6 %

Graphique de la semaine

Prices of Best Brands / EU categories

The Spanish prices reflect only the super extra category that is only part of the Spanish market
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