Banana Market Report sem. 18 2015


The balance has continued to weaken on all the European markets. However, overall imports are still moderate. Indeed, the rise in the dollar banana is still limited (transfers from Ecuador due to smaller shiploads during Easter week, and slight rise from Costa Rica, though levels still in shortfall from Colombia). In addition, the shortfall from Africa and the French West Indies is still in place, although it is on a downward trend (Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana beginning their ascents). However, greater spot volumes of dollar and Dominican bananas have been available at North and South European ports, and demand on the East European markets has started to slow down more significantly. Hence the market balance in Western Europe has been disrupted, though the ongoing focus of consumption on the banana has helped maintain their balance (cooler temperatures and lower availability of seasonal fruits). In view of this incipient overall weakening, prices have continued to ebb across all the markets, with a more pronounced fall for the dollar banana. In Spain, the limited Platano supply has helped maintain a certain balance, though prices remain stable.Finally, the Russian market is continuing to see idling activity given the falling consumption.

EU-28 Reference Price

TendanceMarché bien orienté
Semaine 1814.74 € / box
Semaine 18 / Semaine 17
- 0.67 €
2014/ave. 12-14
+ 4 %

Graphique de la semaine

Prices of Best Brands / EU categories

SP = Spain; DE = Germany; FR = France; IT = Italy; the Spanish prices reflect only the super extra category that is only part of the Spanish market. Prices of FWI and African bananas are official prices.
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