Initial review of the 2016-17 winter avocado season

  • Published on 23/05/2017 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°248 , Page From 42 to 42
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Growth of approximately 20 %

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Analysis drawn up based on professional figures, to be confirmed by Customs data.

Growth of approximately 20 %: and no, we are not talking about the market for the latest generation iPhone, but for the avocado! This performance, following on from the 30 % registered between the 2014-15 and 2015-16 seasons, was combined with a parallel increase in Hass prices, also of more than 20 %. This is symptomatic of the extreme market tension despite additional volumes which were in no way trifling. At no time did the market show any weakness, as is indicated by the great steadiness of the prices, for the first time throughout the campaign keeping to within a very narrow range of nearly 12 to 14 euros, before soaring into the heavens from late March (according to our average indicator, calculated based on the size 18). It was the traditional suppliers who primarily fuelled this growth. Despite more marked interest from US importers and the ongoing growth in shipments to diversification markets, Chile recorded its biggest European campaign, consolidating its number one position with imports approaching 90 000 t. Similarly, Israel and Spain both shipped record volumes to the EU, an atypically late calendar enabling them to take advantage of an exceptionally open market at the end of the season. Colombia, the newest supplier country to the Community market, also played its part, with shipments which should more than double from 2015-16 (last volumes expected in June). Conversely, the first are sometimes the last. Mexico, which recorded the best performance last season, nearly quadrupling its shipments to Europe, was the only origin to see a downturn, and a very considerable one at that, due to a production shortage.

avocado - EU - main suppliers in winter
avocado - EU - main suppliers in winter
avocado - EU - supply and import price in winter
avocado - EU - supply and import price in winter

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