Mediterranean berries

  • Published on 24/02/2020 - Published by BENOIT-CELEYRETTE Cécilia
  • Free

Ever greater diversification

Berries are continuing their development in Morocco, and to a certain degree in Spain, with new varieties of raspberry, blueberry and strawberry. Varietal renewal for these species seems to have wiped out the fall in exports.

Spain working on its ranges

Although berries are on a roll, the season seems to be off to a tough start, just like last year. However, the information published by Freshuelva shows that Andalusian producers remain the major driving force for this segment. Hence there should be a particularly considerable increase for the raspberry (2 300 ha, i.e. + 7 % on 2019), with the planting of locally developed varieties, which are therefore well-suited to the pedo-climatic conditions, to enable the campaign to start early. Varieties such as Shani, Wengi and Bella have already replaced Imara and Kweli with certain major operators.

Strawberry production should also continue to re-expand (6 217 ha, i.e. + 2 %) with the early varieties (Primoris, Fortuna) and newly planted Rociera, a local variety just like Radiba and Primoris (FNM). Other taste varieties such as Leticia or early varieties such as Leyre also seem to be retaining the interest of certain producers.

The blueberry is treading water (3 089 ha, i.e. + 1 %), though there should be no shortage, with the plantations established two years ago now entering production. Variety adaptation trials are also in progress for this species, and the results are expected for 2022. Only the blackberry seems to have a little ground (145 ha, i.e. - 9 %) according to Freshuelva’s figures. Furthermore, the development of the West Coast of Huelva should help the campaigns get off to an early start.

Producers have been asking questions about the quality of plants that they have received. Although the poor climate conditions, and especially the lack of sunshine, certainly played a role in plant growth, volumes delivered in early February were well below average (60 % below the 3-year average for Perpignan), though the first promotions were scheduled for Valentine’s Day. However, the prospects are favourable with blueberry exports progressing (46 000 t, i.e. 81 % above the 3-year average), and also raspberry exports (58 000 t, i.e. + 54 %), according to the European Customs figures. In addition, the strawberry battled back on certain markets last year (293 000 t, i.e. + 5 % on 2017-18), such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria or via the Netherlands, and a recovery in shipments outside the EC was observed.

berries - spain - planted areas


Morocco coming to the fore

Surface areas dedicated to berries in Morocco are continuing to expand strongly (8 403 ha, i.e. + 16 % on 2017-18, with a production figure of 173 715 t) in both the north and south of the country, especially for the raspberry and blueberry. They took an upturn for the strawberry (3 500 ha in 2018), with the planting of Spanish varieties. This fruit is heavily dependent on deep freezing (23 industrial units), forcing the operators to plant dual-purpose varieties. The Spanish varieties, often more fragile, and with a shorter lifetime, are mainly aimed at the fresh sector. Hence progress for the strawberry seems to be limited, especially since the deep frozen supply is surpassing demand, leading to the implementation of quotas for each producer. The fall in profitability (increase in VAT, inputs prices, labour problems), and more stringent customer requirements, are also increasingly difficult to deal with for less well-organised smallholdings (593 farms of between 0.2 and 70 ha). However, the 2019-2023 “Maroc Vert” plan aims to take surface areas up to 4 000 ha.

Conversely, production is doing nicely for the raspberry, especially in the south of the country (3 -year average 500 ha/year). Surface areas have now reached 2 450 ha nationally, and the “Maroc Vert” plan aims to take them up to 3 000 ha by 2023. Agadir is maintaining a strong dynamic (conversion of tomato greenhouses), as is the plain of Souss. Nearly 60 % of raspberry production is already based in the south of the country.

Similarly, blueberry production is growing rapidly, given its assets: well-adapted to the pedo-climatic conditions and the product’s long lifetime. Planting has gathered pace since 2015 and is currently progressing at a rate of 500 ha per year. Surface areas have currently reached 2 300 ha (19 000 t in 2019), targeting 4 000 ha (40 000 t) by 2023. Production is also spreading southward, with some tests conducted this year in Dakhla in an attempt to advance the calendar.

Trials are also being carried out for the Goji berry, a very hardy species much sought-after in the fresh segment, but most of all for processing. The vast majority of raspberry and blueberry volumes produced in Morocco are aimed at the export sector, and absorbed via the Spanish market, which takes in two-thirds. However, some changes are expected with Brexit. The bilateral agreements already being negotiated between Morocco and the United Kingdom, and the visit of British purchasers, are hinting at direct imports in future, rather than via the European market. We should also note Morocco’s good level of fresh strawberry exports last year (20 000 t according to European Customs).

berries - morocco - plantes areas

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