Banana monthly review: May 2019

  • Published on 17/06/2019 - Published by Cirad
  • Free

A well-balanced European market

Regarding the dollar banana, because of its historic drought, Costa Rican volumes remained in shortfall throughout the month. The Colombian supply continued its traditional seasonal fall, to slightly low levels. Ecuadorian exports were barely average. Hence the, overall dollar supply was 4 % lower than in 2018.

Regarding African bananas, the chronic shortfall from Cameroon (15 % below average, but only 9 % down on 2018) could be offset by the combined supply from Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Côte d’Ivoire reached peak production, which was 9 % above average, while Ghana continued its growth (20 % above average). Shipments from the French West Indies meanwhile began to rise slightly over the month.

Across all the European markets, demand remained dynamic overall because of non-springlike temperatures limiting consumption of seasonal fruits. Hence the sales tempo, on both the green and yellow banana markets, remained satisfactory overall. In Eastern Europe, the lack of fruit helped invigorate sales and increase prices. In Western Europe, although green banana prices started to fall slightly, they were higher than last year (+ 13 %), yet below average (- 2 %).

banana - germany - green price

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