Avocado monthly market review: August 2020

  • Published on 21/09/2020 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

Imbalance between sizes

After a heavily-laden July (+ 16 % on 2019), the overall supply subsided slightly in August, returning to average levels (1 % above average, and +1 % on 2019). On the one hand, South Africa remained very much in shortfall, with incoming Hass shipments 9 % smaller than in 2019. On the other hand, Peru, which remained the main market supplier, completely unbalanced shipments into Europe. Its volumes, 19 % bigger than in 2019, mainly comprised large fruit (sizes 10 to 14), generating high pressure on these sizes. Stocks built up, and prices struggled to strengthen, remaining 39 % below average. Unlike for small sizes, although shipments from Colombia and Kenya were bigger than in previous years, the market quickly tightened up. The average price for sizes 22 and 24 practically doubled in the space of a month, to 7.87 euros/box. For the middle size (18), prices strengthened slightly, though they remained 21 % lower than in 2019.


avocado - france - import price

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