Mediterranean citruses: 2020-21 production forecast for the EC market

  • Published on 6/01/2021 - Published by IMBERT Eric
  • FruiTrop n°272 , Page From 30 to 51
  • Free

Less than predicted!

In wine growing, it is possible to have two exceptional years in a row. This is rarely the case in citrus growing, with the alternate bearing phenomenon often generating over-production after a lean campaign. Nonetheless, the production avalanche predicted to follow on from the very small 2019-20 Mediterranean harvest will not come to pass, with numerous climate incidents, to be attributed to the climate change phenomenon, having decided otherwise. Yet this is not the only surprise from this campaign. The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on demand could also change the hand. FruiTrop offers you this review of a 2020-21 campaign taking an unexpected shape.  

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