Floridian orange: production stable in 2021-22, according to an initial estimate.

  • Published on 30/08/2021 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

The Elizabeth Steger consultancy firm has issued an initial Floridian orange production estimate, pending the official figures from the FDOC, which will be published in early October. The harvest should be between 49 and 56 million field crates (52 million crates in the most likely scenario), a similar level to 2019-20 (52.8 million field crates). This would keep it well below the four-year average (- 12 %). This information consolidates the hypothesis of a high juice market tension, despite the structural decline in world consumption. Brazil, which dominates world production along with Florida, also has a limited harvest for the second consecutive season, while world stocks are registering a restrained level ( https://www.fruitrop.com/en/Articles-by-subject/Direct-from-the-markets/2021/Orange-juice-prices-on-the-up).

Source: Steger


orange - brazil and florida - production

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