Banana monthly review: May 2022

  • Published on 28/06/2022 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

The fall in prices began in May

Overall supply remained moderate. Incoming shipments from Colombia and Costa Rica continued their trend with slightly underperforming performances. Those of Ecuador were still clearly below the season averages. On the African supply side, the combined supply from Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Ghana remained stable and slightly above average (+7%). Indeed, the return to production in Cameroon at levels similar to those of 2018 is pulling African supply upwards. The French West India supply continued to ramp up towards the peak in arrivals expected in June. However, the first heat wave that hit Europe in May triggered a slowdown in sales. Green prices thus initiated their seasonal decline (-€0.77), but performance remained 14% above average.

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