Good performance for the ACP-Africa block in 2022

  • Published by Market News Service of CIRAD
  • Free

Marché européen de la banane

According to European customs data for September, total supply to the European market was down by 5% compared to 2021 and the two-year average. This is due to a clear decline in the Latin American block, which has suffered from various climatic problems and reductions in productivity caused, among other things, by the crisis in the cost of inputs in the various producing countries. However, it is worth noting the good performance of African origins which, as of September 2022, shows an increase of 3% compared to the two-year average, and levels very similar to those of 2021 at the same period. However, Ghana is missing out with a 13% decline, while Côte d'Ivoire is struggling to maintain its levels at the two-year average (-3%). However, it is Cameroon that is leading the surge in the African ACP bloc with a strong increase (+19%) due to the gradual entry of renewed CDC hectares.

Africa - EU banana imports
Africa - EU banana imports

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