FruiTrop Weekly

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 16 )

Slightly reduced activity this week on the pineapple market, even though the overall supply remains rather limited. 

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 15 )

Against all expectations, the pineapple market remains well oriented, even though it had to deal with cumulative volume arrivals at the start of the week. 

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 14 )

A rather unusual situation on the pineapple market this week.

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 13 )

Good week overall on the pineapple market, even if demand is somewhat lacklustre for Easter.

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 12 )

The pineapple market is fluid and well oriented in the run-up to Easter. 

Pineapple Info ( Semaine 11 )

Good week overall on the pineapple market, although prices eased slightly, especially at the start of the week. 

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