FruiTrop Weekly

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 16 )

Arrivals remain stable at 5.5 million boxes with mainly grades 22 to 32. The demand is calm. In this context, pressure keeps building up for 22s to 32s and the price decrease is starting to detain on 12s to 20s. 

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 15 )

Volumes have risen sharply this week. The pressure on medium to small grades (22 to 32) continues to mount, thus driving the prices down. Prices for big grades remain overall stable.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 14 )

Arrivals are still around 4.0 million boxes. Because of the ongoing pressure on medium - small grades (22-32), prices keep dropping, increasing the gap with the big grades’ market (12 to 20) which remains stable.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 13 )

The pressure on small grades is rising as arrivals keep increasing. The demand is good but not enough to keep prices stable for grades 24 and up. Prices for the remaining grades remain stable.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 12 )

Volumes keep increasing at a rapid pace, with mainly small grades. Demand is good. Prices are stable and firm for grades 12 to 20. Prices for grades 22 and up are overall stable but tending down.

Avocado Market Report ( Semaine 11 )

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