Avocado report sem. 29 2017


The tension isn’t ready to decrease on the avocado market...

The global Hass supply will continue to tend downward as both Peru and RSA should continue to decrease. Moreover, the export potential forecast of Peru for Europe has been revised downwards (lower than 2016). Furthermore, both Peru and RSA seasons are running ahead of schedule, compared to 2016. Hence, the remaining volumes from both origins should be lower than 2016. On the demand side, nothing seems able to stop the positive market trend. Indeed, for the moment, solutions are found by importers to sell the important volumes of large grades (promotions, concessions in prices). Hence, will the availabilities be sufficient for the market needs during August as the first significant volumes from winter origins are not expected before September? Could Peru reduceperhaps its US export program in favor of the highly attractive EU market ?

USA reference price - grade 48 - spot market

TendanceMarché bien orienté
Semaine 2940.44 $ / 11.15 lug
Semaine 29 / Semaine 28
+ 3.27 $
2017 / ave 14-16
- 10 %

Graphique de la semaine

Hass avocado prices in Europe

FOT - Grade 18

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