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WARNING: the subscription to FruiTrop WEEKLY (weekly market reports on Banana, Avocado, Mango, Pineapple) are not included in the subscription to FruiTrop Magazine.

For more information on subscriptions to Fruitrop Weekly, please contact us at

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Subscription to FruiTrop Magazine

FRUITROP magazine

The new annual subscription grants you access to the 5 issues of FruiTrop Magazine (paper and pdf) and to real time online articles available for subscribers only (forecasts, reviews, news).

WARNING: the subscription to the magazine does not include the weekly market reports (FruiTrop Weekly). 

Subscription 1 year: EUR 380 ex-Tax

Subscription to FruiTrop Weekly


 To subscribe to FruiTrop Weekly market reports, please contact us on: 


Weekly Market Reports





visuel avoc
visuel mangue
visuel ananas

Sample report

Avocado ReportMango market reportPineapple Market Report

Publication language

English English & French French

Focus on

European avocado market and trend in the USA market European mango market and 4 detailed countries: France, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands European pineapple market and 4 detailed countries: France, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands


Import prices per origin, retail prices in France, arrivals and price trends in the USA market Trends per market, weekly supply and prices in the different markets Trends per market, weekly supply and prices in the different markets

N° yearly issues

48 48 48


FruiTrop Weekly Pierre Gerbaud consulting Thierry Paqui consulting

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