Grapefruit : 2017-2018 citruses forecast

  • Published on 12/12/2017 - Published by IMBERT Eric
  • FruiTrop n°253 , Page From 54 to 54
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A slightly less marked shortfall for Mediterranean fruits, but an enormous trough in the tropical segment


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The 2016-17 campaign was marked by a boom in prices and a deep supply trough on both segments of the European grapefruit market. This scenario will be repeated on a bigger scale for the tropical grapefruit, whose supply prospects are more meagre than ever. Florida, this season facing not only the dramatic consequences of rampant greening, but also those of Hurricane Irma, saw its production plummet to hitherto unexplored depths (- 40 % on 2016-17, i.e. below 200 000 t). It is set for a lean and short season with medium to small sizes dominating. So excellence will more than ever come at a price this season, despite a really considerable rise by the euro against the dollar.

The scarcity of Mediterranean grapefruit will not be as marked as in 2016-17, where the Turkish production trough led to an export level 25 % below average. Nonetheless, it will not regain its nominal level. The harvest is set for a level similar to last season in Israel, i.e. well below average, because of the major uprooting carried out in recent years. The euro, a little less weak against the shekel than in 2016 upon the start of the campaign, could have a positive effect on exports. Spanish production will undergo a big negative alternate bearing effect, after a record 2016-17 campaign. It will register a figure 30 % below average, with barely more than 60 000 t expected. The issue of sizing remains in the air, given the lack of precipitation hitherto and the very low level of the water reserves. Only Turkey should enjoy an above-average production level, according to professionals, climbing by approximately 25 % from last year’s lean season. For this origin too, the sizing seems to be rather in the low-average bracket. Prices should not be as exceptional as in 2016-17, but will maintain a good level, in particular for large to medium fruits.

grapefruit - EU - supply in winter
grapefruit - EU - supply in winter


grapefruit - EU - winter season imports
grapefruit - EU - winter season imports


mediterranean grapefruit - 2017-18 production forecast
mediterranean grapefruit - 2017-18 production forecast


tropical grapefruit - 2017-18 production forecast
tropical grapefruit - 2017-18 production forecast

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