European peach/nectarine harvest forecast for 2020

  • Published on 27/05/2020 - Published by BENOIT-CELEYRETTE Cécilia
  • Free

A slight chill

As for the apricot, peaches and nectarines are set for a very marked production shortfall, with a harvest of 2.4 million tonnes (excluding the clingstone), a level not seen since 2003 and 1998. While the very mild temperatures during winter 2019-2020 (25°C in some places) were not without some impact, it was above all the frosts in March and the rains in April which reduced the potential. Italy is the hardest hit country, with its harvest set to be 80 % less than last year in Emilia-Romagna. Factoring in the shrinkage in surface areas in northern Italy, growers are expecting historically low production, at a level not seen for 25 years (820 000 t, i.e. 34 % below the 3-year average). Greece also saw a significant spell of frost. Production should decrease by 10 % (excluding the clingstone), though remain 3 % above the 3-year average. The hardest hit region is Macedonia, Greece’s main production zone. In Spain, it was the northern production zones (Cataluña and Aragon) which suffered frost, while the southern zones (Andalusia, Murcia) were affected by heavy rains in April. So there could be a marked fall for flat peaches (7 % below average). Iberian production should in total drop to 11 % below average (1.14 million tonnes). In France, the production fall expected in the Rhône Valley, following the late March cold spell, has also brought down the national production to 7 % below average (303 500 t). Yet, even in this country, no region really seems to have been spared. Furthermore, the April rains caused damage to the fruit skins. In addition, concern remains over the sanitary conditions of the harvest, and the lack of foreign labour.

Source: Europech

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peach nectarine - EU - 2020 harvest forecast


peach nectarine - EU - production

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