Moroccan avocado: early start to a record Hass season

  • Published on 15/11/2021 - Published by FRUITROP
  • Free

Moroccan avocado

Young orchards coming into production should boost export potential in 2021-22 with 40,000 tonnes expected, 15-20% more than in 2020-21. With an estimated 8,000 hectares of Hass orchards in the north-eastern coastal area of the country, Morocco is now the 11th largest exporter of avocado.

The first Hass exports began in the first part of November, slightly ahead of schedule. Arrivals on the EU market are expected to continue to increase, peaking in December and continuing into January. Supplies should be more moderate in the second half of the season.

moroccan avocado - EU imports
moroccan avocado - EU imports

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