Other exotics review: Q3 2022

  • Published on 20/10/2022 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Chilli pepper    

The alteration to the chilli pepper supply was more marked this year. In previous years, the supply from the Caribbean extended longer. This year, shipments from the French West Indies stopped earlier, because of the progression of European production, increasingly present on this market sector for the past few years. Hence the Spanish and Dutch supplies covered demand from May, with French production joining in from the second half of July, i.e. distinctly earlier than in previous years. The heatwaves registered from June favoured this rapid start to the French produce’s trading campaign. Conversely, the quantities ran out in September for the same weather-related reasons, leading to rates strengthening.


chilli pepper - france - wholesale price Q3 2022


Plantain banana

The under-supply in Q3 2022 caused a price increase rarely registered for this product. Colombia, in heavy demand from the North American markets and advantaged by the dollar exchange rate, primarily directed its flows to these markets, abandoning the European ones. Since the supply was particularly small, prices soared from mid-July, despite the low summer demand. They peaked in mid-August, before dipping over the following weeks. However they remained high until the end of the period, while volumes took an upturn. Conversely, air-freight plantain bananas from Martinique encountered lack of interest from purchasers, and disappeared from the supply in early August, with many stores specialising in selling ethnic products suspending their operations for the holiday period.


plantain - france - wholesale price Q3 2022


Chayote and christophine

The market had a lean supply, especially for the christophine. Chayote and christophine rates strengthened gradually throughout the period in question. The logistical difficulties out of Costa Rica were not unrelated to this trajectory. The other highlight was the very late start of the French production trading campaign, in late September instead of the usual time, second half of August. Les The high temperatures registered during fruit-bearing slowed fruit growth, explaining this trading delay. This unexpected phenomenon probably intensified the supply dip traditionally factored in by Costa Rican shippers. The first French chayote batches sold on a footing of €2.00/kg, with €2.80/kg for the scarcer christophines.


chayote and christophine - france - wholesale price Q3 2022


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