GEM, the jewel of Westfalia, now in Tesco

  • Published on 2/01/2018 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°252 , Page From 8 to 8
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As of late September, the British chain has been selling this “Hass like” avocado on a top-end market segment. GEM, named after the initials of its creator Gray E. Martin (of University of California) has numerous assets. In agronomic terms, its average yield is higher and less irregular between seasons than Hass, while its compact habit due to its genetic relationship with Gwen makes it well-suited to high-density planting. In organoleptic terms, it features an attractive thick skin featuring golden lenticels, while its taste qualities are deemed superior. Its harvest calendar is slightly later than for Hass. Westfalia is the exclusive owner of the rights to this variety worldwide outside of the United States.

Source: Westfalia


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