FruiTrop Weekly

Pineapple Info Semaine 13 28/03/2024 Ananas | Exotiques Good week overall on the pineapple market, even if demand is somewhat lacklustre for Easter.
Banana Market Report Semaine 13 28/03/2024 Banane
Mango Weekly Report Semaine 12 22/03/2024 Exotiques | Mangue The situation is getting a little tougher on the European mango market, which is struggling to absorb a supply of very heterogeneous quality, highly unbalanced and well over current demand.
Avocado Market Report Semaine 12 22/03/2024 Avocat Volumes keep increasing at a rapid pace, with mainly small grades. Demand is good. Prices are stable and firm for grades 12 to 20. Prices for grades 22 and up are overall stable but tending down.
Pineapple Info Semaine 12 21/03/2024 Ananas | Exotiques The pineapple market is fluid and well oriented in the run-up to Easter. 
Banana Market Report Semaine 12 21/03/2024 Banane

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