Tropical race 4 (TR4) fusarium wilt

  • Published on 15/10/2019 - Published by Cirad
  • FruiTrop n°265 , Page From 121 to 129
  • Free

What we really know about this disease and its impacts

The long-feared arrival in the Americas of Tropical Race 4 (TR4) fusarium wilt (also known as Panama disease) triggered an explosion in the worldwide dessert banana sector (Colombia, officially in August 2019). Wild rumours have been flying around, now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, endangering the entire export banana sector. Yet every disease has its retinue of charlatans and imposters, sometimes in a scientific disguise. So FruiTrop, the magazine published by CIRAD, world-renowned for the quality of its research on Musa, sets out to restore a bit of calm and objectivity to the debate. In the form of “an FAQ section”, and a short list of bibliographic references, this document aims to demonstrate the great gravity of the situation, provide some indications as to the measures to take where the disease is present and where it has not yet appeared, but also to nip the craziest rumours in the bud.

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