2016 Argentinean citrus export review: some very good points and some less good

  • Published on 11/01/2017 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°245 , Page From 7 to 7
  • Free

The 2016 season fairly accurately reflects the health of the Argentinean citrus industry.

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The lemon sector is going well, reinforced by a succession of modest campaigns in terms of volume, but excellent in terms of economic returns. It has emerged further strengthened by a really excellent 2016 season, when the average price hit the heights and volumes climbed back to their level from the beginning of the decade. The rise in surface areas of approximately 1 000 ha per year, steady and high, also attests to this good health. The same cannot be said for the other varietal groups. The orange and easy peelers are still in torment, in terms of both exports and surface areas. Argentina, already off the international trade radar for the grapefruit, seems to be heading the same way for the orange and easy peelers. The economic measures put in place by the Macri government do not seem, for the moment, to be having any more effect on the citrus industry than on the national economy, still in great difficulty (GDP established in July as down 3.4 %, with inflation at 40 % according to the Argentinean press).

Sources: Senasa, Federcitrus

citrus - argentina - exports by species
citrus - argentina - exports by species
citrus - argentina - exports
citrus - argentina - exports

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