Mango monthly review: July 2019

  • Published on 12/09/2019 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Higher volumes than demand and lower prices

The European mango market had a tough July, due to the supply often exceeding demand, and the heterogeneity of the batches on sale. Volumes came primarily from West Africa (Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea winding down, and Mali) with fruit of increasingly fragile quality. Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico shipped limited but steady quantities. The intense heatwaves which affected Europe contributed to a lack of customer interest in tropical fruits, especially since seasonal fruits were widely available at attractive prices. During the last two weeks of the month, the market stabilised and showed some signs of rallying for high-quality produce. In any event, sales in July obtained distinctly lower prices than those registered during the same period in 2018.

The air-freight mango market remained swollen throughout the month because of substantial shipments from Mexico and demand ebbing. The accumulation of incoming shipments enabled a build-up of stocks, which were slow to sell off. Numerous batches of advanced maturity underwent clearance sales or were placed “on commission” on the wholesale markets. Senegalese produce was subjected to pressure from Mexican volumes, and followed the same general trend. In week 30, the first Aya varieties appeared from Israel, selling at stronger prices and harnessing the novelty effect.

mango - europe - incoming shipments in july 2019
mango - france - import price in july 2019

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