Orange monthly review: May 2019

  • Published on 17/06/2019 - Published by Cirad
  • Free

Transition to late varieties

On the juice orange segment, the rains hitting Spain in late April hastened the end of trading in Salustiana. Hence this variety’s campaign ended one month late, with cumulative volumes 9 % above average. It gave way to Valencia Late, whose campaign got underway with volumes well below average (due to the delay). Prices at the production stage plummeted to basement levels (50 % below average). Import prices too remained disappointing and well below average (- 25 %). Regarding the other origins, Egyptian Valencia was still present in May, albeit in more limited volumes. Hence prices strengthened slightly at the end of the month.  

On the table orange segment, while Spanish Navelate/Lanelate continued to subside throughout the month, late varieties such as Navel Powell progressively established themselves on the market. Prices were rather disappointing. Morocco’s Maroc Late did not find a place on the EC market in May, due to the excessive Spanish supply, though low prices did not help its competitiveness.

Notably, the massive arrival of Spanish seasonal fruits, from late May, switched the market to a summer tempo.   

orange - france - import price

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