Mango monthly review: August 2020

  • Published on 7/09/2020 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Slight under-supply, with market stability

The mango market remained fairly stable in August given the moderate incoming shipments, just covering the demand level. Brazil was the main market supplier, along with Israel. The end of the campaigns, or the fall in export tempos, from Senegal, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, as well as the slow start to the Israeli campaign, aggravated the relative under-supply to the market. This situation, particularly marked in the first half of the month, favoured high rates being charged. With Brazilian and Israeli shipments rising in the second half of August, sea-freight mango rates dropped slightly. The reappearance of Senegalese mangos in the second part of the month resulted in rates for these products strengthening, though this was short-lived given the qualitative heterogeneity of the incoming fruit. At the end of the period the first batches of Spanish Osteen appeared, with sales of between 10.00 and 12.00 euros/box involving still marginal quantities.

The air-freight mango market maintained a positive trend throughout the month. The end of the Mexican campaign and the moderate Israeli supply plunged the market into an under-supply phase, enabling rates to strengthen. The last batches from Mexico sold on an upward footing, in spite of uneven quality. Israeli shipments, mainly of the Aya variety in July, comprised the Maya variety in August, with prices more or less aligned on Kent. Israel also supplied Omer, Shelly and Kent mangos, their price ranges rapidly widening according to the sizes, coloration and stage of maturity of the batches placed on the market. The supply was topped up by some batches of Kent (5.00 euros/kg) and Mabrouka (4.00 euros/kg) from Egypt.  


mango - europe - estimated incoming shipments in august 2020
mango - france - import price in august 2020

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