Mango monthly review: September 2021

  • Published on 12/10/2021 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

September brought changes to the European mango market supply

September brought changes to the European mango market supply. Fruit shipments from the Dominican Republic and Senegal disappeared. Brazil and Israel made up for these withdrawals with a wide range of varieties. Brazil stepped up its presence with Keitt. Quantities of Palmer and Tommy Atkins dwindled, while some containers of Kent arrived. Brazilian shipments experienced disruption due to logistic vagaries, causing shipping delays to the European markets. Israel continued its shipments with the Omer/Kasturi, Shelly, David and Keitt varieties, as the Kent period was winding down. Israeli shipment volumes gradually dipped, giving way to expanding Spanish production. Spanish Osteen, initially in moderate quantities, stepped up significantly in the second half of the month. These products struggled to find their place at the start of the campaign, before asserting themselves in the second half of September. This was in despite feeling the weight of the competition, which was manifested by a fall in rates. Meanwhile, Spain shipped high-quality Irwin, boasting air-freight equivalent presentation, which sold steadily at €5.00-€5.50/kg. The end of the month brought the start of the Kent campaign. This fruit obtained more or less the same prices as the Brazilian air-freight fruit. Transactions remained fairly sluggish throughout the month, given the high availability across Europe, and the modest demand from the supermarket sector.

The air-freight mango market behaved better, with its supply suited to demand. The appearance of Brazilian Kent, sold at high prices, depressed the market conditions for Israeli mangos, especially for the Omer/Kasturi variety, less popular among consumers. Shelly prices held up in this more competitive context. Egyptian mangos represented an alternative, selling steadily in limited quantities.


mango - europe - incoming shipments sept 2021


mango - france - import price sept 2021

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