Q4 2020 Other Exotics review

  • Published on 2/03/2021 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Chilli pepper    

This year’s trading campaign for the French-produced chilli pepper was curtailed. It finished in late November, while in previous years it continued at least until the end of the year. After an upward trend in October, prices saw a distinct drop in November, due to more disparate quality and reduced spiciness. With the end of the French campaign, the Dominican Republic, the origin which traditionally takes over from French production, was unable to supply the market at this period. So operators turned to other European and Mediterranean suppliers (Italy, Spain, Morocco). These three origins supplied the market in December, with rates on the increase. Martinique maintained its occasional small shipments.   

chilli pepper - france - wholesale price - Q4 2020



Plantain banana

In Q4 2020, Colombian plantain banana rates followed an opposite trajectory to 2019. Last year’s sustained high rates gave way this year to fairly stable but low rates. Some sales were made from €0.45/kg in November, under the effect of abundant shipments in a context of weak demand. The merchandise ripened during storage, and as a consequence underwent emergency sales leading to a fall in rates. In December, the situation improved because of a fall in volumes received, aggravated by shipping delays due to poor sailing conditions. This quantitative reduction was matched by a relative awakening of consumption at the end of the year. Rates then climbed quickly above €1.00/kg.

plantain - france - wholesale price - Q4 2020


Chayote and christophine

In Q4, French-produced chayotes and christophines made up the bulk of the supply. Their prices remained stable until mid-November, when they rose as quantities on the market subsided. The French produce campaign extended over the same period as in previous years, though with smaller volumes from the middle of November. Meanwhile, Costa Rica shipped regular quantities of chayotes, which sold at stable prices, with a slight increase when French-produced volumes waned. Conversely, this origin shipped only marginal and unrepresentative batches of christophine, if at all.

chayote & christophine - france - wholesale price - Q4 2020


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