Mango monthly review : August 2022

  • Published on 16/09/2022 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

In the first half of August, the mango market was fairly balanced. True, demand saw a downturn in the summer period, though volumes received remained moderate. The late surge in Senegalese exports shifted the European market supply calendar, helping maintain stable and fairly high prices. Shipments from Brazil and Israel, still at a good level, made up for the falling shipments from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. In the second half of the month, the market profile changed, with a general downward price trend. The combined shipments from Senegal, Brazil and Israel exceeded the demand level, constantly dipping in the face of competition from seasonal fruits, available in quantity at attractive prices. The situation worsened with the early start of the Spanish campaign, although initially exports from this origin were restricted to limited volumes of Tommy Atkins (€8.00/box) and Irwin (€5.00-€5.50/kg) from mid-August.

 The air-freight mango market, fairly stable in the first half of August, deteriorated in the second half of the month. Mangos from Mexico and Senegal covered demand at the start of the month, in spite of a qualitative deterioration in the fruit. Meanwhile, the progression of shipments from Israel, initially with the Aya variety and then quickly Maya, Shelly and Kent, contributed to making trading harder on a market at a standstill for this type of product. Air-freight mango rates deteriorated more steeply at the end of the month. The start of the Egyptian campaign in the middle of the month, plus the receipt of the first Kent batches from Brazil at the end of the period, only further toughened the market conditions in a context of flat demand.


mango - europe - incoming shipments august 2022


mango - france - import price august 2022

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