Mango monthly review: October 2022

  • Published on 17/11/2022 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

From influx of merchandise to under-supply

October was characterised by a succession of two distinct phases. In the first half of the month, market conditions remained heavy and complicated. The influx of merchandise in the face of demand still focused on seasonal products was unfavourable for consumption of tropical fruits. The uncertainty due to increased energy prices, in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war, also disrupted modes of consumption. The end of the Israeli campaign opened up the way for Brazilian and Spanish produce, unfortunately ill-suited to demand, especially supermarket sector demand. The Brazilian supply primarily comprised large-sized (6/7) Keitt and Palmer mangos, not highly rated by the distribution circuits. Conversely, the Spanish supply mainly comprised small-sized Osteen mangos, ill-suited to individual sales in the supermarkets. The weight of the volumes and the unsuitable sizing affected prices, resulting in Brazil diverting some of its supply to the more lucrative North American markets. In the middle of the month, the rapid downturn in Spanish shipments gradually tipped the market into an under-supply phase, leading to a considerable price increase. This increase was especially high since volumes shipped by Brazil remained much smaller than at the same period in previous years.

The air-freight mango market remained more stable. Brazil supplied Keitt and Kent variety mangos, though in fairly limited quantities. Sale prices remained unsatisfactory for exporters, given the increased cost prices (air-freight, transit). Furthermore, fruit quality was variable, which explains the big price differences observed (€4.50-€6.50/kg). The middle of the month brought the start of the Peruvian mango trading campaign. The first shipments, small in volume, traded at particularly high prices, partly justified by the increased freight costs.


mango - europe - incoming shipments october 2022


mango - france - import price october 2022

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