Review of the 2017-18 avocado winter season: boom in Mexico and Morocco

  • Published on 30/06/2018 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°257 , Page From 6 to 6
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The Customs figures from April made it possible to refine the review of the 2017-18 winter campaign published in the May 2018 edition of FruiTrop. According to this data, the market achieved a better than predicted performance in terms of volumes, up by approximately 12 %. The rise in Mexican volumes was apparently even bigger than initially anticipated (at least 63 000 t shipped to the EU-28, i.e. 26 000 t more than in 2016-17). In addition, Moroccan shipments, not included in the previous estimate, literally exploded (at least 23 000 t imported, i.e. 13 000 t more than in 2016-17), thanks to the growth in surface areas and very good climate conditions. We should recall that this growth in total volumes was combine with very good performance in economic terms, with the average campaign price calculated by our Market News Service maintaining the record level from 2016-17.

Sources: Customs, CIRAD

avocado - EU - supply and import price
avocado - EU - supply and import price
avocado - EU -supply
avocado - EU -supply

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