Narrowing the range of thought.

  • Published on 23/01/2019 - Published by LOEILLET Denis
  • FruiTrop n°262 , Page From 1 to 1
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Narrowing the range of thought.
Newspeak is the official language of Oceania, invented by George Orwell for his novel “1984”. One of the characters in the work, responsible for the Newspeak dictionary, explains its aim: “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it”. A no-doubt irreverent Tweeter (@PaulFaburel), clearly a fan of Orwell or just simply sensible, coined a new entry for this dictionary - “agrology”. He even provides a definition: when agronomy teams up with irrational beliefs such as astrology (biodynamics), for the purpose of scaring people. Beyond this nod of the head, every passing day shows that this is the approach used to treat most subjects relating to agriculture, agri-business and food. Beliefs have replaced argument, facts and scientific proof, definitively muddying the debates, which are no longer guided by info. Crime is now impossible since there is no longer knowledge, there are only “experts”. Worse still, among this learned assembly which seemingly grows with every passing day, researchers are not uncommon. The complexity of the subjects, in the agricultural sector alone (glyphosate, CRISPR-Cas9, mutagenesis, ecological intensification, etc.), does nothing to help things, since we are discussing (a grand term for it) living things. It is of course quicker and more practical to be guided by your own opinion – which you can share with yourself repeatedly, and without difficulty... “Move along, nothing to see here!” Nowadays, we mightadd on the end “... and no talking!”

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