European papaya imports

  • Published on 5/03/2020 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

Brazil continuing to monopolise the European market

After years of gradual growth, European papaya imports have levelled off at around 40 000 tonnes. Brazilian exports, mainly air-freight, are still dominating the EC market, with volumes of around 38 900 tonnes in 2019 (+ 2 % on 2018). Ecuador, which used to be a distant second, with more than 4 000 tonnes exported in 2015, has seen a gradual decline, falling to 37 tonnes in 2019! Recurrent fungal problems, due to the three-week sea voyage, has led to imports being halted almost entirely. Ghana is now in second place on the podium, exporting just 1 200 tonnes, which represents 14 % more than in 2018. Furthermore, Jamaican exports were down in 2019 (- 59 % from 2018).

papaya - EU - imports

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