A very active hurricane season in prospect for 2021

  • Published on 5/07/2021 - Published by Market News Service of CIRAD
  • Free


After the exceptional 2020 season - the most active ever recorded - the 2021 hurricane season started in the North Atlantic on 1 June and should be very active according to the NHC forecasts. 13 to 20 storms are expected, with 6 to 10 potentially becoming hurricanes, including 3 to 5 classified as "major" hurricanes. The official hurricane season runs from 1 June to 30 November, with peak activity from August to October. This year's season got off to an early start with subtropical storm Ana, which formed on 22 May northeast of Bermuda. Given the climate change and the increasingly earlier onset of the first storms, the start date of the season could be brought forward to 15 May in future years. As a reminder, during the exceptional 2020 season, 30 storms were named. The list of names was even exhausted and to finish the season, it was necessary to switch to the Greek alphabet. Several storms became major hurricanes, including ETA and IOTA at the end of November, which devastated Central America.

Source: National Hurricane Center

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