New Zealand avocado: “caught in a perfect storm”!

  • Published on 29/11/2021 - Published by FRUITROP
  • Free

New Zealand avocado

These are the words used by a grower based in Bay of Plenty, as reported by the local press, to describe the current 2021-22 season. These are explosive words after a record-breaking 2020-21 campaign, not only in terms of volumes produced and exported but also turnover on the local market. There is a good harvest level (fairly similar to 2020-21), but demand is not following suit. The problem is not due solely to the idling local market, because of the impact of the Covid control measures on the catering segment. It is more structural in nature, due to the contraction of the Australian market, where local production is rapidly coming into its own, in particular in the Western Australia region, which has a similar harvesting calendar to New Zealand. And this destination is a major variable in the economic equation of New Zealand’s industry, taking in more than three-quarters of total exports, and 40% to 50% of total production. In this darkening context New Zealand’s industry is working on developing its shipments to Asia (4 300 t in 2019-20), and the local market, where 30% of the population does not consume avocados.

Source: Otago time

avocado - new zealand - production and exports
avocado - new zealand - production and exports

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