A better expression of Colombia’s enormous avocado production potential, thanks to a less wet climate

  • Published on 18/10/2023 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
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The 2022-23 campaign remained very disappointing for the Colombian industry. Exports stagnated again at approximately 100 000 t, despite near-exponential expansion in recent years (from 45 000 to more than 60 000 ha now planted in the country, according to sources). Things seem to augur better for the 2023-24 season, thanks to a considerably drier climate (rainfall approximately 30 % down from last year, according to readings from April to August, from the Pereira and Medellín regions). On the one hand, quantities available for export could see a considerable rise (from 20% to 25 %, according to professionals surveyed), thanks to the dual positive effect of better productivity and young orchards entering production or their prime. On the other hand, the overall quality should be better with this drier climate: cosmetic problems (especially lenticels) should be better controlled, with a rise in average size (brighter, better absorption of fertiliser spread).


avocado - colombia - exports

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