Roots and Tubers - Q1 2017

  • Published on 22/05/2017 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°248 , Page From 10 to 10
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Sweet potato (SP)

Rates were steady for white-fleshed sweet potato from Egypt, which provided a regular supply to the market in Q1. Honduras also shipped the same type of produce, but earned higher sale prices. In mid-February, prices rose slightly, gaining 0.10 to 0.20 euro/kg, and stabilised until late March. At the end of the period, some batches from Portugal made their appearance on the French market, selling at around 1.00 euro/kg, with strong competition from the origins already on the market.

The rates for orange-fleshed sweet potatoes ebbed in January, but took an upturn thereafter. They levelled out in February, before climbing again in March. This general trend was expressed differently between the origins. Israeli produce still obtained the highest prices, followed by Spanish and Honduran produce. Spain consolidated its position with a bigger and more extensive campaign. In the second half of March, the supply to a market with a slight shortfall was topped up by some batches from the USA. 

Some batches of Brazilian white-skinned and fleshed sweet potatoes also went on the market from mid-January to mid-February, and then from the third week of March at a stable price of 1.90-2.00 euros/kg. China shipped some sweet potato batches in February (1.80 euro/kg).

sweet potato - france - wholesale price
sweet potato - france - wholesale price


The yam market was very stable, with three main origins selling at distinct prices. French-produced yams sold at the highest prices, though in fairly limited quantities. From late February, sales proved more difficult, with the product suffering some kind of blockage. The intermediate price range included Brazilian yams, sales of which also became more difficult from mid-February, given the competition from the more attractively priced Ghanaian produce.

yam - france - wholesale price
yam - france - wholesale price


The rate for Costa Rican cassava varied very slightly within an interval of 0.05 to 0.15 euro/kg throughout Q1. The appearance on the market of lower-priced Ecuadorian cassava influenced the price of Costa Rican produce in March. 

cassava - france - wholesale price
cassava - france - wholesale price


The price of Costa Rican eddoes fluctuated until mid-February, and then fall more significantly in March. Considerable price variation remained between the tuber sizes on the market, between 1.80 and 2.60 euros/kg. Top-up batches from Ecuador were available in February at lower prices.

eddoe - france - wholesale price
eddoe - france - wholesale price

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