Roots and Tubers - Q4 2017

  • Published on 23/01/2018 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°254 , Page From 24 to 24
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Sweet potato (SP)

From September onward, Egypt very much dominated the supply with the resumption of white-fleshed sweet potato exports. After entering the market at around 1.05 euro/kg on average, the rate dipped before stabilising at 0.90 euro/kg. Egypt also supplied pink-fleshed sweet potatoes, which obtained slightly higher rates, around 1.20 euro/kg. With less regular shipments, South Africa continued its marketing campaign with stable rates of around 1.40 euro/kg. Conversely, Honduras, a big white and orange-fleshed sweet potato supplier during the summer period, ended its shipments in late October for white-fleshed SPs and late November for orange-fleshed SPs, with steady sale prices of between 1.20 and 1.30 euro/kg.

Senegal finished its campaign in late October for orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, with their rates recovering for the last batches due to a smaller supply of this type of product at this time of year. Rates for Israeli orange-fleshed sweet potatoes were higher, but dipped gradually, going from 1.80 to 1.60 euro/kg at the end of the period. Some Brazilian batches of white-fleshed sweet potato (1.50 euro/kg) and white-skinned and white-fleshed sweet potato (1.70 euro/kg) topped up the supply occasionally in November and December.

sweet potato - france - wholesale market price
sweet potato - france - wholesale market price


Prices for Ghanaian white or Puna yams were stable in October. They strengthened slightly in November and December. Late October saw French-produced yams enter the market, with rates strengthening from the second half of November until the Christmas holidays, before returning to their initial levels at the end of the year.

yam - france - wholesale market price
yam - france - wholesale market price


The price for Costa Rican cassava was stable, before dipping in the second half of November due to a larger supply and frozen demand

cassava - france - wholesale market price
cassava - france - wholesale market price


Rates for Costa Rican eddoes were eminently stable until mid-November, when they strengthened slightly for the festive period. At the end of the year, they returned to their early October level. Considerable price variations of 2.00 to 2.50 euros/kg could still be observed, depending on the product size.

eddoe - france - wholesale market price
eddoe - france - wholesale market price


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