Avocado monthly review: September 2019

  • Published on 21/10/2019 - Published by Cirad
  • Free

General shortage on the European market

Demand remained quiet overall as 2019 restarted. The transition between the summer and winter origins severely restricted fruit availability, especially from the end of the month. As predicted, Peru and South Africa wound down earlier than last year (around mid-September). Incoming shipments from Kenya were greatly scaled back too. In the face of this, Chilean exports followed an upward trend, with incoming shipments mostly comprising small fruit. The overall supply was topped up by some Mexican volumes. Nonetheless, overall volumes were a long way below last year (- 23 %) and the average (- 6 %). Hence prices for Hass (size 18) climbed constantly throughout September, reaching levels 43 % above average!

On the green varieties segment, summer origins (South Africa and Peru) reached the end of the road, giving way to the first incoming shipments from Israel. Prices remained stable.   

avocado - france - import price

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