Other exotics - Q3 2019

  • Published on 21/10/2019 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Quarterly market review

Plantain banana

The plantain market shrank during the summer period. After the under-supply phase in May and June, which was characterised by particularly high rates, there was a bigger supply, causing prices to drop, albeit they remained high until late August. The downward trend continued in September with a higher supply level, and quiet demand. However, rates held up above 1.00 euro/kg during this period.

plantain - france - wholesale price

Chayote and christophine

The chayote was supplied mainly by Costa Rica throughout Q3 2019, with rates steady at between 1.40 and 1.50 euro/kg. Conversely, the presence of christophines from this origin was very unsteady, which can be explained in part by low demand. September saw the start of the French-produced chayote and christophine marketing campaign. Initially selling at high prices, French christophines saw their rates dip rapidly. Chayotes went onto the market a little later, and their prices also took a downturn, albeit less steep. Some small shipments from Martinique were observed at the beginning of the period.  

chayote christophine - france - wholesale price


Saint Vincent dasheens suffered a loss of interest, with prices waning from the second half of July. Supply levels became less steady in August, and recovered in September. The product’s greater scarcity affected rates, which rallied to around 3.00 euros/kg, where available. Martinique made regular small air-freight batch shipments, trading at constant prices.   

dasheen - france - wholesale price

Chilli pepper

During Q3, the chilli pepper was supplied by the Dominican Republic, until French produce came onto the market in late August-early September. The end of the Dominican campaign brought some price variations, caused on the one hand by the irregularity of the volumes received, and on the other hand by the less dependable quality of the produce. The French pepper season got off to a slow start, but this produce asserted itself in September, leading to the cessation of the less regular shipments from Morocco, Cuba or Spain. These secondary origins slipped onto the market on occasion, making up for the stop-start Dominican imports and the slow start by French shipments. In spite of an interruption in August, chilli peppers from Martinique sold steadily at around 6.50 euros/kg until the appearance of substantial volumes from Metropolitan France. Under the pressure of the overall volumes available in September, rates for fruit from Martinique gradually declined. Produce from Guadeloupe was scarce compared to the same period last year.

chilli pepper - france - wholesale price

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