European banana supply in June 2021

  • Published on 20/08/2021 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
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Scaling ever higher heights

After a big surge in May 2021 (+ 6 %), the supply to the EU27+UK returned to very limited growth in June 2021, of + 0.6 %. The dollar banana supply remained stable. European production fell (- 3.2 %). So it was ACP banana imports which enabled the market to remain in the green. Over Q1, however the market maintained a downward trend, falling by - 1.8 % to 3.5 million tonnes. It was the dollar zone which set the trend, selling 84 000 tonnes less on the European market. It was only Costa Rica (a major origin) and Nicaragua (minor origin) which made headway. All the other origins traded in favour of the North American markets, which had a shortfall due to the reduction of the Guatemalan and Honduran supplies due to the cyclones of late 2020. Regarding the ACPs, Africa was back at the top, exporting 309 000 tonnes to Europe, while the Caribbean ACPs lost a bit of ground due to the fall in imports from Belize and slack growth from the Dominican Republic. On a 12-month sliding scale, the market has been stable, at a ceiling level of 6 621 000 tonnes.


banana - EU - supply january-june 2021

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