Peruvian organic banana - Doing better in 2021, except in the EU

  • Published on 14/02/2022 - Published by FRUITROP
  • Free

Peruvian organic banana

The Peruvian Customs data drawn up in November indicated an improvement in the organic banana exports level. While the result of the 1st half of 2021 pointed to a third consecutive year of falling organic banana exports (3 % below the 2-year average), the recovery in the 2nd half wiped out this trend. As at November, Peru’s total cumulative exports had obtained practically identical levels to 2020. However, apparently not all the markets reacted in the same way. The recovery seems to be well and truly underway on the US market, where the organic segment continued its breakthrough in 2021 (, with volumes reportedly back to higher levels than in 2019. And this in spite of very marked competition from Mexican and Ecuadorian suppliers. Similarly, while exports to Asian markets rose with volumes increasing in particular in Japan, we should note that their market share will remain highly marginal, representing less than 10 %. Finally, it has to be observed that in the EU27+UK, the main historical outlet for organic Peruvian bananas, the origin is seeing an ongoing downward trend, with another drop of around 10 % from last year. This is probably the result of disaffection with the origin, combined with the overall crisis in organic produce consumption observed in the EU in 2021. 

organic banana - peru - exports
organic banana - peru - exports

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