Other exotics - Q1 2018

  • Published on 30/05/2018 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • FruiTrop n°256 , Page From 11 to 11
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Quarterly market review

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Plantain banana

Market conditions were difficult for the plantain banana in Q1 2018. After improving in December thanks to supply better matching demand, sales declined. Prices gradually ebbed, though volumes on the market were not excessive. However, they came up against a lack of demand highlighted by the operators. From mid-March, sales became even more difficult due to stable demand in a context of larger volumes, and the development of quality problems. Price differences widened between on the one hand, merchandise of satisfactory quality which sold at around 1.00 euro/kg, and on the other hand merchandise which underwent clearance sales from 0.45 euro/kg

Chayote and christophine

Q1 2018 saw the end of the French chayote marketing campaign. Prices dipped for the last shipments, especially because of the more fragile quality of the produce. Costa Rica took over with steady through moderate volumes, helping maintain high prices in spite of a slight gradual decline. The smaller volumes of christophine shipments favoured high rates, especially in the first half of February when the shortage of produce caused a temporary surge in prices.


Sale prices for the Saint Vincent dasheen fluctuated with the irregular shipments and sluggish demand. The supply was small from the second half of January to late February. Small air-freight batches of dasheen from Martinique sold steadily at an unchanged price of 4.00 euros/kg.  


Chilli pepper

The beginning of the year brought a lean chilli pepper supply. The French campaign had ended in mid-December, giving way to Dominican produce. Initially small, shipments from this origin grew, leading to a price slump aggravated by the mediocre quality of certain batches. The shortage of produce encourage other origins to join in, especially several European countries (the Netherlands, Italy, etc.), followed by Uganda and Cuba. The accumulation of quantities ended up swelling the market. The first half of February saw the start of the Guadeloupe campaign, with good quality produce obtaining the highest prices on the market. In March, the dwindling Dominican supply caused a sudden price surge, to in excess of 10.00 euros/kg. Meanwhile, Israel offered chilli peppers throughout the period. Selling at a constant price of 7.00 euros/kg, this produce struggled to establish itself among traditional chilli pepper consumers, given its mildness and lack of flavour.

other exotics - france - wholesale price
other exotics - france - wholesale price

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