Other exotics - Q1 2019

  • Published on 19/06/2019 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • Free

Quarterly market review

Plantain banana

The good demand in late 2018 held up at the beginning of 2019. Prices were especially strong since the shipments deferred for the end-of-year holidays had created an under-supply situation. The increase in Colombian shipments from mid-January, and the abrupt fall in demand, quickly sent plantain rates into a lasting downward trend. In February, some sales were made at below 0.60 euro/kg. It was not until March that the situation improved slowly, accompanied by a partial recovery in prices. There was less variation in rates of Ecuadorian produce, with more moderate shipments.

plantain - france - wholesale price

Chayote and christophine

The last French-produced chayote batches went onto the market at the very beginning of the year. In January, Costa Rica regained its role as the main market supplier. Rates of chayote and christophine from Costa Rica held up throughout the period; in fact there was a slight gradual increase, expressing the very good market balance. Top-up air-freight batches from Martinique sold steadily from mid-February. In early March, prices dropped for a fortnight because of more fragile quality of the produce (poor development). With quality recovering thereafter, prices regained their initial level.  

chayote christophine - france - wholesale price


Rates for dasheens from Saint Vincent and Martinique remained unchanged throughout Q1 2019. The steady and restrained shipments matched demand. 

dasheen - france - wholesale price

Chilli pepper

French-produced chilli pepper wound down at the end of 2018. The Dominican Republic took over in December, and obtained rates of around 6.50 euros/kg, a level still in place in early 2019. They collapsed in February to 4.50 euros/kg. Some sales were made at lower levels given the uneven quality, a frequent lack of coloration and disproportionate quantities in relation to demand. The situation improved gradually from mid-February, back to the initial level by late March. The recovery in rates was mainly due to the reduction in volumes received, and therefore better adaptation to demand. Prices of Cuban produce overall followed the same trend, because of the weight of Dominican shipments. French chilli peppers held up better against the Dominican competition, with more restrained quantities and more constant quality. This merchandise actually took advantage of a shift in demand, due to its superior quality. Small batches from Morocco sold at low prices in late February-early March, because of the lower delivery costs and the unfavourable context.

chilli pepper - france - wholesale price

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