Avocado monthly review: July 2019

  • Published on 3/09/2019 - Published by Cirad
  • Free

Tension on the EC market

Because of the lack of fruit from Mexico, prices in the USA reached astronomic levels (79 % above average). Consequently, Peruvian exports focused on North America (+ 61 %), generating high tension right across the European market. Peruvian and South African exports were much smaller than in 2018 (- 14 % and - 13 % respectively). Incoming South African shipments also suffered logistical disruptions at certain ports of loading. However, at the end of the month, thanks to the “Loca” harvest, Mexico was able to recover its market share in the USA, prompting Peru to withdraw. Hence Peruvian volumes to Europe embarked on a gradual increase. However, a shortage of fruit, mainly small sizes (18 and above) was felt throughout the month. Prices soared at the beginning of the month on the spot market because of a shortage of fruit and lively demand. From week 30, as per usual demand saw a big slowdown because of the summer holidays, helping prices stabilise. Nonetheless, they remained 50 % above average. 

As regards green varieties, there was a slightly bigger combined supply from Peru and South Africa than last year. Because of the general context, a price increase was also observed.  

avocado - france - import price

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