Avocado monthly review: May 2020

  • Published on 9/07/2020 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

The calm before the storm

The overall supply was 13 % smaller than in 2019, due to the significant delay to the Peruvian campaign. Because of an insufficient dry matter content and the health precautions put in place against the spread of Covid-19, incoming Peruvian shipments, and more specifically from the Olmos region, were 5 % smaller than in 2019, against all expectation. In addition, South African volumes were also in shortfall (- 20 %). Only shipments from Kenya were bigger than in previous years. In this context, prices remained stable overall until the end of week 21, and 15 % higher than in 2019. However, from week 22, a change in tempo was observed. The shipment peaks from the major Peruvian production zones, Olmos and Chavimochic, overlapped. Hence Peruvian volumes broke the 3 million boxes per week mark, an unprecedented level! Hence pressure on the European market increased, and prices began to fall. 


avocado - france - import price

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