Tropical grapefruit: the erosion of Florida and Texas production continues.

  • Published on 18/10/2021 - Published by FRUITROP
  • Free

Texas and Florida grapefruit forecast 2021-22

This season, the Florida grapefruit crop will still be small, with a total of 3.8 million boxes or 147,000 tonnes. The combined effects of successive hurricanes and the greening of orchards have gradually weakened production capacity. Thus, the 2021-22 harvest is down by -13% compared to the four-year average (-7%/2020-21).

At the same time, Texas production, which was hit hard by the January frost, is struggling to recover. After recording the smallest harvest of the last ten years in 2020-2021 (2.4 million boxes), production in 2021-2022 is expected to remain clearly in deficit at 3.1 million export boxes, or 112,000 tonnes (-30%/ four-year average | +29%/2020-21)

Given the recovery in domestic consumption since the start of the pandemic, exports will remain very competitive in a context where the cost of sea freight is rising sharply. 

Grapefruit - Texas and Florida production
Grapefruit - Texas and Florida production

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