Banana consumption: still on the up

  • Published on 28/07/2015 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°234 , Page From 3 to 3
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European banana imports climbed by 1.6 % in May 2015 (from May 2014). It was the dollar (+ 2.2 %) and non-African ACP sources (+ 11 %) which drove the trend, whereas the African ACPs slipped (- 9.6 %). Over the last twelve months (June 2014 to May 2015), imports were just above 5 million tonnes. If we add to this European production (in a bad spell in May 2015), consumption over the last twelve months set a new absolute record at 5 639 000 t. However, the upward trend has been running out of steam since the beginning of 2015, and plateauing out. The situation is roughly the same in the United States. Consumption gained 1 % over the first five months of the year, reaching the record level of 1 720 000 t. Colombia and Costa Rica, the only sources to drop on the US market, clearly opted for the European market, with Colombia for example raising its exports to the EU by 13 % in the first part of 2015. Ecuador went the other way. In the United States, the Latin American giant consolidated its place as the number two supplier with an 11 % increase in its supply. Conversely, it fell in Europe by a nearly equivalent volume, and a proportion of 4 %. Which might lead us to believe that both these sources are demonstrating the full force of the euro-dollar exchange rate effect (see FruiTrop 231, April 2015, page 40 et seq.).

banana - EU and USA - supply - january to may 2015
banana - EU and USA - supply - january to may 2015

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